Support - Users and Throughput

Note 01/10/2016:
As of 1st October 2016 the recommended users and throughput levels have been updated to more accurately represent the expected usage based on changing user behaviour.
We have recently updated the recommended users and the throughput levels for the full GIS range. This is due to the improvements in hardware, firmware and a change in usage trends. You can see the table of products and their capabilities here.
Due to the rapidly changing trends in Internet usage we are constantly re-evaluating our product's capabilities to match current user expectations and usage patterns.
With a developing trend towards streaming services and sharing larger files over social media, the demands on your network are increasing. Previously typical usage would generally consist of checking emails, browsing web pages and possibly downloading a small number of images. Current usage trends, however, are moving towards the streaming of high quality video from one of many services on multiple devices, or sharing multiple larger files over social media. There has also been a large increase in the use of apps which communicate with their servers in the background to provide updates.
Due to these changing usage trends we have decreased the recommended number of users that the GIS units can handle in order to allow for the increased total throughput required by users. There are however no changes to the capabilities of the units; as such the units can still handle higher numbers of connected users but with an overall reduction in the throughput per user.
There are no restrictions on maximum numbers of concurrent users, the values we specify are recommendations based on typical user expectation.
If you have any further questions about user numbers or throughput, please contact us here.